Know How Agencies Will Gain from Robotic Process Automation
Today a number of agencies have started to deploy chat bots into their organization to get help with customer service while some other agencies like Department of Health and Human Services are now opting for Robotic Process Automation in order to work towards their strategy for acquisition.
Today the implementation of RPA has gone further for private businesses while its adoption in the government sector is still in its early stage. As per the thoughts of Edward Burrows, the robotic process automation program manager working at General Services Administration, this trend has started to change. RPA adoption helps the organizations with automating different repetitive tasks that are tedious and mundane to work on.
There will be increase in the RPA adoption across different agencies and the way the employees will work will be influenced too. The change will be towards improving the value of the work from low to high.
RPA will transform agencies, boost savings
As per Burrows, the State Department, the IRS and GSA have been testing the RPA tools recently. The effort to use RPA was started by GSA in 2018 and every month they roll out one RPA bot. The adoption of RPA at the agency level will take care of menial tasks like copy-pasting the text into different forms and this single task will hurt the job role of employees working at the lower level.
When it comes to an agency middle-level employees perform the major part of the job and so with RPA adoption, it will become possible to take them to do other valuable work while automating the normal menial ones. This will help to get to know what the agency can do with the available time the employees have.
Till now no major savings have been witnessed by the implementation of RPA but with time more tasks will be handled automatically and this will eliminate many low level job profiles and make the middle level employees to handle tasks that are important. It is true that there will be no instant cost savings but by proper implementation changes will be evident in the decade’s time.
With time there will be change in terms of the federal IT roles and this will lead the agencies to look for talents that are better and capable to work with the on-demand technology needs. If we talk in terms of RPA implementation, it can be said that there will be changes in the IT profile and the new job roles will demand managing and monitoring the fleet of RPA bots.
The younger generation of IT professionals will find the role quite interesting while the government agencies will be able to get long term benefits by recruiting such young talents.
As per the Federal News Network, GSA has started to work towards RPA development and has trained a number of people at the office of CFO to develop bots.
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